Buy goods in the USA with the help from TRT Shopping and we’ll ship them to You

Send parcels from the United States to different countries around the world without any obstacles

Why us?

Shop in the U.S. with convenience and peace of mind
and order to ship to your home

Large selection of
additional services

Order a product photo, return to the store or combine purchases from different stores into one package and save money on shipping.

Track your purchase
in real time

We will provide you with an experience with minimal effort, meeting and exceeding your expectations. Our technology-driven approach ensures your parcels are handled with precision, from pick-up to drop-off.

30 years on the international
transportation market

We have built our reputation by providing reliable logistics services to clients around the world. With a time-tested reputation for reliability, we are your go-to choice for efficient and dependable parcel shipping.

How it works?

4 easy steps to get your purchase from America


Get a US address

Register on the site and instantly get a US shipping address for your purchases


Buy online from US stores

Enjoy low prices at your favorite stores and use your new US shipping address


Register your parcel

Add information about your product and click the “request for delivery” button


Get your purchase

Track the delivery of your package in real time and enjoy your shopping

Popular Goods

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Calculate shipping cost now

After receiving the weight of the product from the seller, you can estimate the shipping cost of your parcel using this calculator on our website.
The heavier the package, the less you pay per kg.

Additional services

Large selection of additional services

Address in the U.S.

Copy your US address for shopping

When placing orders enter one of these addresses as your delivery address during checkout . That’s where your purchases will be delivered

New Jersey

250 Port St,
Newark, NJ 07114

No taxes on clothes and shoes!